Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Workforce

Recorded: May 11, 2017

This webinar provides an overview of Psychiatric Mental Health (PMH) nursing workforce, its size, characteristics, distribution, educational preparation and scope of practice. The opportunities for PMH RNs and Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) include using their capabilities to address access to care and to build effective and efficient interprofessional teams. Challenges the workforce faces include internal (increasing diversity and addressing geographic maldistribution) as well as external, particularly clarifying misconceptions around the capacity of PMH APNs to addresses mental health workforce shortages and effectively addressing the trend that forwards a narrow definition of our discipline as alternative prescribers.

Kathleen Delaney is a professor in the Department of Community, Systems and Mental Health Nursing at Rush College of Nursing (CON) in Chicago, IL. As a Co-Chair of the Illinois Center for Nursing, she conducts state work force surveys of RNs and APNs; attempting to understand how to match workforce demand, capacity and capabilities. She also conducts workforce surveys for the American Psychiatric Nurses Association and publishes on the PMH nursing workforce, its size, capacity, and capabilities.

Se débarrasser des troubles de l’érection n’est peut-être pas aussi facile que certaines personnes le prétendent, comme cela est clairement expliqué sur Votre médecin voudra procéder à un examen physique complet, comprenant des analyses de sang et des dosages hormonaux, afin de déterminer s’il existe un problème médical grave.

Solving the Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis – Tools for Growing your Pipeline of Providers

Recorded: March 30, 2017

The Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies at Montana State University and the Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center at the University of Michigan School of Public Health are pleased to co-sponsor a four-part webinar series in February, March, April, and May 2017. This webinar is the second in our series and addresses workforce development challenges and highlights ongoing efforts in Nebraska and New Mexico to bolster the behavioral health workforce pipeline.

Howard Liu, M.D. is an educator and child psychiatrist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). He serves as the Director of the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN), a state funded office whose mission is to recruit and retain a skilled and passionate behavioral health workforce in Nebraska.

Helene Silverblatt, M.D. is the Director of Adult Programs, Community Behavioral Health (CBH), the Executive Director for Behavioral Health, Office of the Vice President for Community Health and a Professor of Psychiatry and Family and Community Medicine.

Research to Strengthen Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity

Recorded: February 16, 2017

In this webinar, Dr. Angela Beck provides an overview of the state of the behavioral health workforce in terms of size, composition, and characteristics. This webinar also summarizes efforts underway by the SAMHSA/HRSA-funded Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center at the University of Michigan to conduct studies to build workforce capacity.

BHWRC at the Nevada Statewide Mental Health Workforce Development Forum

Recorded: October 7, 2016

“Opportunities for Strengthening Behavioral Health Workforce Capacity in Nevada” Presentation on October 7, 2016 at the University of Nebraska-Las Vegas by Dr. Angela Beck.

Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center Webinar

Recorded: June 29, 2016

In this webinar, Center Director Angela Beck outlines our objectives, current work, and upcoming projects.